Jiba Molei Anderson is the owner of Griot Enterprises and creator of its flagship property
The Horsemen. He has also written the educational text Manifesto: The Tao of Jiba Molei Anderson, and maintains The Afrosoul Chronicles a blog dedicated to the discussion of race, politics and the business of popular culture.
Mr. Anderson is also a part of the fine art community having various one-man and group
shows including being featured in the book Black Comix and guest lecturing at The School
of the Art Institute of Chicago and The Smithsonian National Museum of African Art
with The Horsemen’s inclusion in The Smithsonian’s permanent library.
In addition, Mr. Anderson has been interviewed for various publications like GQ Magazine and the New York Times and has written articles for various magazines
such as LaRana de Sevilla and other online journals.
Currently, Mr. Anderson is a Part-Time Lecturer at Chicago State University, Computer Systems Institute, and Harper College teaching courses in Graphic Design, Marketing, & Branding and speaks across the country promoting comic books and graphic novels as tools for education in the exploration of race, culture and identity.
Kenjji Jumanne-Marshall is a Black comics pioneer artist. His award-winning work offers
a critical truth of the African American experience and the emotional impact of surviving them. An award-winning illustrator with 15 years of professional experience and a unique
and versatile style,Kenjji is the creator of the Voodoo epic WitchDoctor.
His exhibitions include the Psionic Distortion Exhibition in Tokyo,
the Plum Blossoms Gallery in New York, and the Detroit Historical Museum.
Kenjji is also a cinematographer known for the works Mondo Creepy (2019),
The Adventures of the Fatbat Episode III: Queen of the City, Part II:
The Reckoning (2018) and The Unspoken Sin. His current projects include
the FRANKIE television series and comic book.

Jude W. Mire is an author from Chicago specializing in horror, science fiction, fantasy, and surreal writing. In 2009 and 2010 he was a finalist in the DeathScribe Horror Radio Play competition by WildClaw Theater. He writes The Horsemen: Mark of the Cloven for Griot Enterprises, has been published in several online magazines, and ran a live horror reading series called Cult Fiction.
Jude's most recent works include Red Icicles and Other Cold Terrors, a collection of ten cold hearted horror stories as well as the Slogging The Mire blog, which is a collection of mini-stories and flash-fiction.
La Morris Richmond is a creative writer, and publisher of independent comics,
who strives to develop and produce the most dynamic, world shaking intellectual properties that the world has ever seen!
He is an ardent supporter of commercial creativity and exploring new publishing avenues, (Print, digital or wherever the pop culture comics market can expand its audience.
As a freelance comics writer with over 10 years experience, highlights to La Morris' credits include: The Real Ghostbusters, The Book Of Oya, Canton Kid, Purge: Black,
Red & Deadly, and Boots Of The Oppressor.

Ellen Wetmore is a Professor of Art and Chair of the Department of Art and Design at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, where you can get the best fish amok in Massachusetts. A graduate of the University of Michigan and of Tufts University/School of the Museum of Fine Arts, she moved to Massachusetts in 1995 and joined UMass Lowell in 2007 with tenure in 2014.
She is a participant of CAA, UFVA, and Cultivamos Cultura. Her awards include
a 2017 Berkshire Taconic ART Fellowship and a 2017 Massachusetts Cultural Council Fellowship. Her social concerns include neuro-atypical disabilities, race and teaching,
money and art, and treatment of depression.
Wetmore’s projects have been featured at the Boston Cyberart's Art on the Marquee,
the Indianapolis Art Center; the Sandwell Arts Trust; Ciné Lumière, London, CologneOff, Germany; the InShadow Festival, Lisbon, and Videoholica in Bulgaria. She is a 2012
School of the Museum of Fine Arts Traveling Fellow and a summer 2015 visiting artist at the American Academy of Rome.